Available in 2 to 3 business days
The PowerStick shows its strong performance in shallow as well as deep water. This extremely effective training tool strengthens the whole body, and is especially suitable for training, coordination and balance. These strong aspects make it a versatile tool. It is of great benefit in swimming lessons with children as well as adults, suitable for children entertainment, rehabilitation and of course for aquatic fitness, too. An allrounder which can be converted within seconds into a kick-board, a pull-buoy, a dumbbell, a nordicwalking stick or just into a pool noodle.
Warning! Do not stretch parallely with hands and feet. Expansion may not exceed a maximum length of 40 cm per tube.
- Aqua aerobic, Swimming lessons, Rehabilitation, Aqua nordic walking, Aqua yoga, Aqua fun
- Coordination, Balance, Strength endurance, Flexibility
- Buoyancy: High
- Resistance: Flexible
- Water depth: Deep and shallow water